2024 Activities
Click Below to See Our Ceremony Pictures
Courtesy Anthony DeRosa of SAL
Memorial Day
See photos of the ceremony and parade taken by Anthony DeRosa.
Our Grand Marshall was Bob Abbadie, a combat veteran of the Korean War.
Pascack Valley High School Poppy Program
Each year Mr. Jeff Jasper at Pascack Valley High School challenges students of his government class with a project to create awareness and raise funds to support U.S.veterans in need. They do this with support for American Legion Post 162 in Hillsdale.
After creating a fundraising message that they share with their fellow students, they team up with Legion members to implement their actions. Over a period of two days just prior to Memorial Day, two teams of students and Legionnaires greet the students as they arrive each morning. Students who are already aware of the program, are able to make a donation and receive a poppy. The poppy has been a symbol associated with Memorial Day for over a century. The activity meets two of the four pillars of the mission of the American Legion, support for veterans in need and working with America’s youth. This year, the project was run by Nico, Sophia, Shane and Hannah. The Pascack Valley student body came through with record contributions. Commander Doug Frank and members of Post 162 all thank Vietnam Veteran and Legionnaire Jeff Jasper for his leadership that encourages students to support this project. They also thank the team and all the students who contributed. The veterans also attended the PV Memorial service on Thursday morning where the history club under Leah Jerome recognizes those who attended Pascack Valley in years past and made the ultimate sacrifice for their country.

Pictured are Jim Gerbig, Nico, Shane, Joe Sgroi, Hannah, Sophia, Dick Smith, Kathy Maalouf and Doug Frank
Military Tribute Banners
Hillsdale added over 60 new banners honoring residents who served in the military. The total is now over 160 and are located on the light posts in the downtown area. The program was sponsoed by the Hillsdale Police Department, under the directin of Chief Sean Smith. Other towns in the Pascack Valley are following Hillsdale's lead.
Vietnam Veterans Recognition Day
On Saturday March 30th, the post held a ceremoney in Veterans Park to recognize our Vietnam Vets for the Vietnam Veterans Recognition Day. Click the link to see the article in the local paper.
Spring Clean Up
On Saturday March 16 we held a work party to clean up the grounds around the post. Organized b Ray Matz, we had a good turnout and accomplished our goal within an hours time. Ray provided coffee and bagels as nourishment for this hard working group.
L to R SAL Cdr John Hering, Anthony DeRosa, Ray Matz, Nick Vangelas, Rob Smith, Doug Frank, dick Smith and Don Averna
Photo courtsey of Dennis Cesa
Flag Raising
Members of the Sons of the American Legion Squadron 162 of Hillsdale held a flag raising ceremony at the Hillsdale home of paralyzed United States Marine Corps veteran Visnu Gonzalez, a member of Post 162. Visnu served in combat with the USMC in Iraq, where he was severely injured by a sniper. Squadron members George DeRosa and Dennis Cesa coordinated replacement of the flags on the flagpole in front of the Gonzalez family home, which was donated to them in 2009 by Homes for the Troops. The home has one of the highest ratings for energy efficiency and is barrier free. Squadron Vice Commander Cesa stated “We were delighted to have the opportunity to help this family and honor this warrior. Our members responded immediately to honor the memory of our relatives who served or who are serving our flag and county. God Bless America.”
Members of the Squadron and the Post raised a new Marine Corps flag in addition to the United States Flag. Visnu’s wife, Mrs. Sahily Machado Gonzalez, shown with her daughter expressed her thanks to the Post for their continuing support. Sons of the American Legion membership is open to those whose father or grandfather served Honorably in the United States Armed Forces. Anyone interested in joining should contact Post 162.
Photo courtesy of Gianna Cesa-Umphlett
On January 6th, American Legion Post 162 honored Hillsdale's retiring Chief Bob Francaviglia and new Chief Sean Smith at their first monthly meeting for 2024. Commander Doug Frank spoke about working with the Chief when he was a councilman and then Mayor. He highlighted the professionalism that Chief Francaviglia brought to the Police Force and the many changes that he made to benefit the residents as well as the force. The Chief's 30 years of service were reviewed by Post 162 Adjutant and past Hillsdale Police Chief Frank Mikulski. Francavigilia was credited with keeping Hillsdale exceptionally safe during his time on the force.
New Chief Sean Smith was recognized for his 27 years service, which started on January 6th, 1997. Adjutant Mikulski told the story of how he hired Sean as a patrolman all those years ago, and how Sean exceeded everyone's already high expectations. Commander Frank thanked Sean for his service in the United States Marine Corps. and his membership in Post 162. He also thanked Sean for authoring two books on the history of Hillsdale. Chief Smith is a strong advocate for community policing. All in attendance congratulated them and wished both men the best of luck.

Pictured L to R. Adjutant Frank Mikulski, Chief Sean Smith, Retired Chief Bob Francaviglia, Commander Doug Frank